I’m glad you’re here. Whatever brought you here, whatever you’re experiencing, I promise you this: You might be brokenhearted, but you are not broken.
Did you lose a precious child? A beloved parent? A sibling? Were you physically, emotionally, or sexually abused or attacked? Did you go through a devastating divorce? Did you lose a career, or maybe your way of life during 2020?
Any or all of these (and so many more) will lead to profound grief.
Maybe you keep repeating the same patterns and don’t know why - or how to shift out of them. Maybe you feel unfulfilled and wonder why you’re here in this life.
I get it!
When I left my marriage in 2008, I knew I was at a turning point in my life. I started exploring, learning, seeking. I wanted to understand why I’d made some of the choices I’d made in my life, and what my real purpose was for being here. I felt constricted in my paralegal work. I knew there was more to life! I knew I didn’t want to get to the end of my life with any regrets over things I wished I had done but hadn’t. So I started living my bucket list.
When my sweet Mom left this life in 2014, I thought that was the hardest thing I’d ever experience in my life. What’s that saying about “If you want to make God laugh, tell him your plans”? I did. I prayed. I meditated. I created a life I was excited to live. I did things I’d always wanted to do, but hadn’t yet done.
And then, God laughed. One bright, sunny Sunday morning in January 2019, I got that call. That call that no parent ever wants to (or should) get. My amazing 29-year old son, Greg, had left this life. To explain what that’s like to someone who hasn’t ever experienced it isn’t possible.
I took the year off of most of life to begin this new healing journey.
During that year I came to some new awarenesses. I realized that my decades of paralegal work in family law, helping people through the grief and process of divorce, all the trainings and certifications I’d received over the previous decade, all the books I’d read, all the healing I had done, all the ways I’d changed my life since my divorce… all of it was creating the foundation that was preparing me for my son’s unexpected passing to the next realm. All of it helped me survive. All of it helped me recreate my life. All of it helped me find moments of joy in the every day things. Not all the time, but in small moments. And all of it helped me connect with my son in Spirit within two days of his passing.
Why does any of that matter to you? Because if I can do this, I promise you that it’s possible for you too… regardless of what caused your trauma and grief!
It’s now my passion and my honor to help others heal some of the layers of grief, find that spark for life again, and live a life that honors their Soul and their loved ones in Spirit.
This journey isn’t easy, and I won’t ever promise you that it is. Do I still have days where my grief takes me back down to the dark places? Absolutely. When that happens, I have the tools and knowledge to help me navigate my way through it. I now teach that to others so they can navigate their own grief and healing journey… with Love, with Light, with Beauty, and with Grace.

Here’s how we can work together:
Grief Healing
Soul Navigation
Soul Navigator and Grief Guide
I’ve helped hundreds of people through the grief of divorce and other loss over the course of my life.
If you’re ready to heal layers of grief and realign with who you are at Soul level, you’re in the right place.
Working together, you’ll release grief and traumas from this life and past lives, discover what your Soul came here to specialize in, and live a life that honors your Soul’s desires.
“My Soul Profile reading with Lori was such an intense and profound experience. After providing some basic information she was able to tell me where my Soul originated and what experiences it agreed to learn while here in the physical world. She went into great detail describing why (during this lifetime) I feel and react in a particular way to certain situations/circumstances in my life. Everything she described was spot on. I was so amazed by the accuracy of the information.
The reading connected so many dots for me in terms of where I have been, where I am now and where I am going in my life. Wow. Just wow. Lori's reading was very validating and enlightening. It helped me to make sense of my experiences thus far in life. The reading helped me to look at my future and the bigger picture which Lori also discussed during my reading.
If you are struggling, feeling lost or looking for direction to find your purpose or if you feel like you know what you are meant to do, but lack clarity or focus I HIGHLY recommend a Soul Profile reading with Lori. You will be amazed at the information, direction and clarity you receive. Lori is professional and extremely knowledgeable. Thank you again Lori for this amazing reading! I am so grateful.”
— Debbie Squizzero

Ready to dive in?

A Few Fun Facts About Me
1. Ah, Paris!
I fulfilled a lifelong dream of going to Paris when I was 54 years young! Having dreamed of this all my life, I took a solo trip and spent several days in the City of Lights. Sitting at a quintessential Parisian cafe the afternoon I arrived, enjoying a glass of white wine, a plate of cheese, and the most delicious French onion soup I’ve ever tasted, I had tears running down my face as I realized that I was REALLY IN PARIS.
I loved it so much that I went back for 10 days the following year!
2. I Stayed In A Real French Chateau!
After my first weekend in Paris, I took the train to the south of France and stayed with a group of amazing women in a real French Chateau! We had a 5-Star chef prepare our meals, did yoga at sunrise, and even enjoyed a boudoir photo shoot - ooo la la!
3. California Girl
Ah, the ocean. Growing up in Southern California, it’s part of who I am. Whether it’s a sunrise over the Gulf of Mexico, a sunset over the Pacific, playing with my grandchildren in the Atlantic, or kayaking in the Mediterranean off the coast of the Italian Rivera, my Soul comes ALIVE at the ocean.
You can find moments of joy, even in the midst of deep grief.
Life is messy. And it’s beautiful. And then it’s messy again. I believe our Souls choose our experiences before we come to this life. Some are beautiful. Some are painful. They all make us who we are.
When we heal some of the layers of trauma that we all carry, we give our Soul room to breathe, to expand, and to show us new possibilities.